Household Robots, A Powerful Home Helper

Today’s technology offers something new every day. The present is no exception, it is the arrival of the household robots. This new type of robot offers very interesting features such as: home monitoring, move in the home, home delivery message and things to specific person, intruder detector, look for someone, something or a specific room, patrol service, and much more.

Household robots

Let’s present you Astro, Amazone new generation of household Robots


“Say hi!”

Household robot preview

Have a look at this preview on what can Astro do for you and your family.

Household Robot Still not on sale but very soon

Astro Robot is still not for sale. You can try to get a exclusive order for testing but first you need to respond to certain specifications.

Artificial Intelligence are part of actual HouseHolder Robots

Black Alexa AI


Alexa has revolutionized the world of Artificial Intelligence. This AI makes it possible to organize a family from different angles that were not yet known.

At first glance, it may seem like it’s a speaker for Spotify, Amazon Music and other services. But think again! This tool offers some little-known tools. Here are a few examples:

  • Create shopping or to-do lists
  • Add events to a calendar
  • Help with children’s homework
  • Answer questions
  • Issue announcements
  • And much more

Other Household robots

In the Household sector, you can count on a furius competition and sooner than later, these companies will show you their vision on how a household robot can organize a family. Main players in this sector are:

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Household Robots
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Household Robots
Today's technology offers something new every day. The present is no exception, it is the arrival of the household robots. This new type of robot offers very interesting features...
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